February 3, 2021 on 1:01 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Two days ago an area started to appear in the NE quadrant and yesterday the 2 small spots were named AR2801.  Today I managed to see a small spot or pore in the 540nm close up image near a faculae close to that location.  No spot was observed in Ha or Cak. So I wonder if spot is already decayed to unipolar spot or maybe a pore.  Full disk images today as well as close ups of the mentioned area.

2021-02-03-1546_1-TR-540nm-AR2801.jpg 2021-02-03-1553_6-TR-Ha-AR2801.jpg 2021-02-03-1559_6-TR-CaK-AR2801.jpg

2021-02-03-1548_6-TR-540nm-AR2801.jpg 2021-02-03-1555_8-TR-Ha-AR2801.jpg 2021-02-03-1602_1-TR-CaK-AR2801.jpg

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