September 27, 2021 on 3:26 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Good seeing this morning.  The Sun is busy with named regions, but they are hard to see in white light.  The two old regions AR2871 and AR2872 have decayed some more, but AR2871 looks great in the Ha close up with the swirling filaments.  AR2877 and 78 are pretty much stable, and today SWPC named also AR2879 at 13N24W.  The total active region area for today is 170 millionths.

2021-09-27-1447_5-ThRmk-540nm-AR2871-72-77-78-79.jpg 2021-09-27-1501_2-ThRmk-Ha-AR2871-72-77-78-79.jpg 2021-09-27-1508_2-ThRmk-CaK-AR2871-72-77-78-79.jpg

2021-09-27-1453_0-ThRmk-540nm-AR2871.jpg 2021-09-27-1503_7-ThRmk-Ha-AR2871-77.jpg 2021-09-27-1510_5-ThRmk-CaK-AR2871-77.jpg

2021-09-27-1453_8-ThRmk-540nm-AR2872.jpg 2021-09-27-1504_1-ThRmk-Ha-AR2872-79.jpg 2021-09-27-1511_6-ThRmk-CaK-AR2872-79.jpg

2021-09-27-1454_6-ThRmk-540nm-AR2878.jpg 2021-09-27-1504_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2878.jpg 2021-09-27-1512_4-ThRmk-CaK-AR2878.jpg


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