November 13, 2021 on 11:42 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Sunny skies with poor seeing conditions.  Two areas are left, AR2894, which has now split in two spots and AR2895 which has further decayed  to 20 millionths, but was still named this morning. However, we have some real nice prominences near both regions as well as in the NE quadrant.  Full disk images today with closeups of the mentioned regions.

2021-11-13-1418_1-ThRmk-540nm-AR2894-95.jpg 2021-11-13-1426_8-ThRmk-Ha-AR2894-95.jpg 2021-11-13-1433_9-ThRmk-CaK-AR2894-95.jpg

2021-11-13-1420_8-ThRmk-540nm-AR2894.jpg 2021-11-13-1429_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2894.jpg 2021-11-13-1436_2-ThRmk-CaK-AR2894.jpg

2021-11-13-1421_2-T-540nm-AR2895.jpg 2021-11-13-1429_9-ThRmk-Ha-AR2895.jpg 2021-11-13-1436_8-ThRmk-CaK-AR2895.jpg


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