First glimpse of Saturn for 2011

February 2nd, 2011 | by sbieger |

I just happened to be up in the wee hours of the morning last Sunday after a long night at work making computers happy. It was 2:30 AM by the time I got out to the parking lot and it was really nice and clear. (oh yes, the computers were happy too). But this work was planned so I knew by the time I finished, Saturn should be up high enough to clear the trees. Such a pretty night was forecast, I made sure I would take a peek as soon as I got outside.

In my hazy state of mind, I thought “The big bright thing towards the west had to be Sirius” and it was really quite bright too. But I couldn’t find Betelguese in the thin veil of clouds. Anyhow, that gave me a rough orientation so I spun on my heal back about 90 degrees to head over to the eastern hemisphere and there was .. yes, I think that was it! Saturn! Back in town like a savy traveler you only see now and then. Ahhh, yes. It’s back. A little off white perhaps, a little yellow-ish maybe. Strange that I didn’t catch Spica but I may have just stopped at the first thing that looked like a planet!

In any case, I am now making plans to revisit my glorious friend over the coming months. I am sure I’ll be making notes in the early spring about planning my suburban driveway viewing. And of course, I’ll be anxious to get views of the ringed planet through Fernbank’s 36 inch Cassegrain. The more glass, the better! The rings are up past a 10 degree tilt so it will certainly look a bit more ring-ish this apparition. Already have the Saturn observing guide handy for some more preparation. Can’t wait!!

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