About Steve

Hello, I’m Steve Bieger, Sky Watcher, Science Ambassador and Tour Guide to the Cosmos. I am a science enthusiast involved in the activity of astronomy outreach, especially physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

I’ve been a member of the Atlanta Astronomy Club (AAC), Charlie Elliot Chapter since 2001 and have previously served a three year stint as Observing Supervisor for the Chapter.

I am also an Astronomy Assistant at the Fernbank Science Center (FSC) Observatory and Planterium. I’ve been a regular fixture around the “dome” since 2005. Fernbank is open to the public on Thursday and Friday evenings when the weather is good. Myself and the other astronomy staff are always happy to show off the sky to our many visitors.

Here’s a wonderful image of the 36 inch Cassegrain at FSC with myself at the eyepiece. This wonderful shot was composed by Kyle Ripley in November 2009.

When I am not down at FSC, you might find me sky watching through one of my own telescopes. I had my first real chance to use my brand 6 inch Schmidt Newtonian under a dark sky back in 2004. This was taken during the AAC Zombie Party in the spring of that year.

You can contact me at sbieger@gmail.com. Enjoy your time on Steve’s Virtual Planet!

Updated on July 15, 2024