October 7, 2020 on 1:57 pm | In Carrington Rotation Review, Sun | Comments Off

October 7, 2020
A Short Summary of CR2235
Carrington Rotation CR2235 covered the time period from 2020-09-07 1745 UT – 2020-10-05 0018 UT.
The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2235 which can be accessed at: http://ceastronomy.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=51093
The rotation brought us 25 spotless days and ended a spotless streak of 33 days  on 9/24, which extended out of the previous rotation. We saw a small and very unstable new region AR2773, which appeared on two days, 9/24 and 9/26, each for less than 24 hours. Although its plage could be followed until it rotated around the Western limb, no spots were recorded for the rest of the rotation.   The size of the Active Region was 10 millionths on both days, giving a Total Region Active Region Area of 20 millionth, while the largest Wolf Number of 13 was recorded on 9/25. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low while the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 851 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported 1 A-class, 19 B class flares, of which 14 happened on 9/21, and one C1.0-class flare. The C-class Flare, was observed on 09/25/2020.

This time I would like to feature some images showing the plage of the old AR2773 on three consecutive days, before it turned to the far side of the Sun.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

2020-09-30-1331_9-TR-Ha-AR2773Plage.jpg 2020-10-01-1444_9-TR-Ha-PlageAR2773.jpg 2020-10-02-1350_5-TR-Ha-Plage.jpg

September 8, 2020 on 12:52 pm | In Carrington Rotation Review, Sun | Comments Off

September 8, 2020
A Short Summary of CR2234
Carrington Rotation CR2234 covered the time period from 2020-08-11 1150 UT – 2020-09-07 1745 UT.
The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2234 which can be accessed at: http://ceastronomy.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=50864
The rotation brought us 21 spotless days, with a spotless streak of 17 days. The rotation showed us 3 named Active Regions AR2770, 71 and 72.  AR2770 extended from the previous rotation for another 2 days.  Another region which was named AR2771 was visible concurrently with AR2770 for one day.  However the new region was short lived with 2 days only.  A third region AR2772 was visible for 3 days starting on 08/19/2020.  The regions were very small at 10 millionths, with AR2772 being the exception by growing to 20 millionths for one day on 08/20/2020, on which day also the maximum wolf number of 24 was observed.  Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low with the total Active Region Area for the rotation measuring only 90 millionths, while the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 825 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported 2 A-class, 13 B class, and no C-class flares. The largest B-Flare, a B3.9 was observed on 08/19/2020.

Even though that solar activity is Very Low, it is also interesting to note that 14 of the last 17 named Active Regions since January 1 of this year were Cycle 25 polarized.
This time I would like to feature some images showing an unnamed, interesting feature that passed by, towards the end of the rotation.
Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

2020-09-02-1326_3-TR-Ha-NEStruct.jpg 2020-09-03-1422_3-TR-Ha-NWQuadr.jpg 2020-09-04-1420_3-TR-Ha-InterArea.jpg

May 22, 2020 on 9:53 am | In Carrington Rotation Review | Comments Off

A Short Summary of CR2230

Carrington Rotation CR2230 covered the time period from 2020-04-24 1529 UT – 2020-05-21 2100 UT.
The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2230 which can be accessed at: http://ceastronomy.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=49751

The rotation brought us 21 spotless days, with a spotless streak of 20 days which was interrupted for 6 days while showing 4 Active Regions.  AR2760 emerged on 4/26/2020 and lasted the entire 6 days with the exception that it disappeared for a short time on 4/29.  Another region which was named AR2761 showed only for part of a day one day earlier.  All regions were very small at 10 millionths, with AR2761 being the exception by increasing to 20 millionths on 4/30 and 5/1.   The maximum Wolf Number of 35 was reached on 5/1 when both AR2760 and 63 were reported with 2 spots each.  Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low with a Total Rotation Active Region Area of 100 millionths, while the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 759 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported two A-class, two B class, and no C-class flares.
This time I would like to feature some combination images showing some prominences at the SW rim.

2020-05-04-1315_6-TR-Ha-SEProm-Film.jpg 2020-05-03-1307_0-TR-Ha-SEFilaprom.jpg 2020-05-17-1437_6-TR-Ha-SEProm.jpg

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

May 4, 2020 on 10:29 pm | In Carrington Rotation Review | Comments Off

A Short Summary of CR2229

Carrington Rotation CR2229 covered the time period from 2020-03-28 0857 UT – 2020-04-24 1529 UT.
The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2229 which can be accessed at: http://ceastronomy.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=49494
The rotation brought us 22 spotless days with a streak of 19 days. We had one Active Region, AR2759, which emerged on 3/31/2020 and lasted for 5 days. The region’s maximum coverage was 30 millionths on April 3 and 4, when it supported 2 and respectively 3 spots. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 738 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported three A-class, seven B class and no C-class flares.
At this time I would like to feature some combination images showing AR2759 in three different wavelenghts on three different days.

2020-04-02-1438_4-TR-540nm-AR2759 45Combo.jpg 2020-04-03-1433_7-TR-Ha-AR2759-Combo.jpg 2020-04-04-2138_6-TR-Ha-AR2759-Combo.jpg

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers

A Short Summary of CR2228

April 3, 2020 on 8:11 am | In Carrington Rotation Review, Sun | Comments Off

Carrington Rotation CR2228 covered the time period from 2020-03-01 0126 UT – 2020-03-28 0857 UT.

For two days on March 9th and the 10th, the rotation did bring a new active region AR2758. On March 9th as an Hrx, and 10th as a Cro area, however, its size did not exceed 20 millionths.  I did not have the time to keep up with the Reverse Polarized Areas during this rotation, but will catch up for the next summary with a new reverse polarized area report. On March 28rd the current spotless streak stands at 18 spotless days.   Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 716 days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported three A-class, one B class and no C-class flares.

2020-03-07-1534_2-TR-CaK-NewPlage_001.jpg 2020-03-07-1541_8-TR-Ha-NewArea_001.jpg

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