Mars in 2007

May 31, 2008 on 10:23 am | In Mars, Planets, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Some images made in 2007 from Mars.  These images represent my learning curve with astro imaging and the Philips SPC900NC webcam.



This image is my first image of Mars and the SPC900NC.  It was made early in the morning around 9:36 UT from Social Circle.  For details about the capture and processing see the image.


During the end of October and November I was pretty busy with Comet 17P/Holmes.  In the beginning of December I put some effort back on Mars.  Here an image taken on December 9, 2007.



Mars on the evening of December 10, 2007.  The planet now is grown to a size of 15.7 arc seconds and almost 99% of the surface is visible.  Only a few weeks until apparation and opposition.



 Mars on December 12th.


This was Mars at apparation.  Unfortunately the seeing was not good, but at least I was able to get an image from this event.  The size of Mars has grown to 15.88 arc seconds and the phase is now at 100%.

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