September 14, 2008 on 9:35 pm | In Planets | Comments Off

One of the four images in the next post was made just a few minuted past 8:00pm local time. Here the filtered and the IRGB image with the relevant information. For these runs I captured 1500 frames per channel and ended up stacking 1000 per channel.

JupiterA0002 08-09-13 20-02-34_Txt.jpg 


September 14, 2008 on 12:50 pm | In Planets | Comments Off

Jupiter last night September 13, 2008.
We had planned an observing session at Charlie Elliott, but around 4:00pm we did scrub it because of the clouds. However, around 7:00pm it cleared up but the seeing was still below normal, so I set up at the “Dutch Observatory” with the intent to image for an hour. When it started to get dusk, Jupiter had moved dangerously close to my neighbour’s pine tree but I managed to get 5 sets in. (I need to talk to the guy accross my property if I can start setting up there :-) . Here 4 of the 5 sets.

JupiterAiRGB 08-09-13 20-02-34_Txt.jpg 


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