September 7, 2008 on 12:51 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

Thursday evening September 5th, turned out to be half decent but difficult.  Right after sunset, the clouds started breaking up some more at Charlie Elliott observing field and allowed me to make a few images of Jupiter.  As the night went on the clouds got denser again and around 11:00pm we had a solid overcast.

Here two images made between some clouds. 

JupiterCiRGB 08-09-04 21-14-30_20080904_211454_ST937_WSL1__0_CB80_0_Txt.jpg   JupiterDiRGB 08-09-04 21-18-14_20080904_211838_ST958_WSL1__0_CB80_-2_Txt.jpg


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