July 21, 2009 on 10:44 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

On July 19th Anthony Wesley, a very well known amateur astronomer from Australia discovered an impact scar in the South Polar Region of Jupiter.  He imaged the impact site and registered his findings.  About twelf hours later NASA was able to confirm his findings but was not able to determine the cause of the impact.  The next time for our location on earth to image the spot was early on the 21st.  Here four images I took while the clouds were marching accross Social Circle and had me busy to capture someting at all.

 JupiterD_RGB 09-07-21 02-57-27_RS_960_Txt.jpg   JupiterF_RGB 09-07-21 03-06-48_SR_540_Txt.jpg 

JupiterE_RGB 09-07-21 03-02-45_RS_540_Txt.jpg   JupiterA_RGB 09-07-21 02-31-06_SR_960_Txt.jpg

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