September 15, 2009 on 8:14 am | In Jupiter, Planets, Uncategorized | Comments Off

The beginning of September was quite exciting for me.  The final version of the Jupiter Scar animation was made and contained data from July 19 until September 9th and contained images from the following individuals:  Anthony Wesley, Damian Peach, Donald Parker Joel Warren, Paulo Casquinha, Stephen Keene, Mike Salway, Michael Phillips, Trevor Barry, Christopher Go, Tomio Akutsu, Stefan Buda, Brian Combs, Fabio Carvalho, and Zac Pujic, while Hans Joerg Mettig provided the polar projection conversions.  Thanks again guys!!  Different versions of the animation made it on (August 7, 2009), Sky and Telescope, and even on NASA’s APOD (September 8, 2009 Picture of the day).

Since NASA misstated their activities around the confirmation of the scar in the APOD, I decided to make a small movie of the events around the scar and included the animation to give a true timeline.  Here the short movie (3 1/2 minutes and 20 MB)


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