October 1, 2009 on 10:43 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

The weather was turning again and the conditions were not good, so setup and imaged Jupiter again. The GRS and the shadow of Ganymede are visible.

JupiterA_RGB 09-10-01 20-10-51_S_CompTxt.jpg

October 1, 2009 on 11:36 am | In Mars, Planets | Comments Off

The streak in better seeing continued for another day, so I took the opportunity to make another image from Mars.  Very humid this morning, but enough to capture this image without dewing over of the scope.  Philegra just visible on the left and Aetheria almost at the CM with Elysium in between, while Syrtis Major rises at the following limb.

  MarsA_RGB 09-10-01 05-51-33_CompTxt.jpg 

October 1, 2009 on 10:28 am | In Jupiter, Planets, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Tonight was the night with the best seeing conditions of the year so far.  Transparency and seeing was well above normal altough it could have been better.  I made imags over a period of 45 minutes with the Williams Optics barlow.  these images have been used in the animation (middle thumbnail).  Two of them are shown as individual composites (bottom two thumbnails).  I than made two images using the Celestron 2x barlow, which gives a longer focal ratio.  I had to stop the exposure speed to 1/19 sec. and limit the number of frames to have sufficient light for a good histogram and to limit the rotation blur of the planet (top thumbnail)

Here the images from the evening of September 30th,  (October 1 UT) 

    JupiterJ_RGB 09-09-30 21-15-20_480_CompTxt.jpg   


  JupiterA_RGB 09-09-30 20-19-21_CompTxt.jpg  JupiterE_RGB 09-09-30 20-42-24_CompTxt.jpg 

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