February 19, 2011 on 7:46 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Another Sunny day with a few clouds moving through.  AR1158 is approaching the western linb of the sun, while AR1161 is full of activity and even expanding  with another sunspot region AR1162.  Some activity can be seen at the Eastern limb.  Here the Ha and CaK images of today

   SunHaC50-41-Com3 11-02-19 10-12-54InvTxt_001.jpg  SunHaC50-41-Com3 11-02-19 10-12-54InvTxt.jpg  

   SunHaC50-41-Com5 11-02-19 10-16-40InvCrpTxt.jpg   SunCaK38-41-Com6 11-02-19 10-25-12TxtCrp.jpg  

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