February 25, 2011 on 9:53 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Very cloudy this morning, but soon the clouds started breaking.  However the blue spells between the clouds were short and the clouds moved very fast.  So it created all kind of handicaps in imaging.  None the less, I captured these images with a new active region showing up at the eastern side of the sun (right in these images)

    SunHa046-41-Com1 11-02-25 10-45-49CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SunHa046-41-Com1 11-02-25 10-45-49InvCrpTxt.jpg 

   SunHa046-41-Com6 11-02-25 10-54-29CrpTxt.jpg   SunHa046-41-Com7 11-02-25 10-57-28InvCrpTxt.jpg  

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