May 8, 2011 on 9:00 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The Sun on Mothers Day!  We were going to Atlanta to meet the kids for a Mothers Day Brunch.  However I had enough time to capture the sun in H-alpha and Calcium-K before we had to leave. (It is great that the kids sleep so long…).  Sunspots are emerging and it looks like activity is picking up.

   SUN-A-046-625-260-Com2 11-05-08 10-21-04CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-A-046-625-260-Com2 11-05-08 10-21-04InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-B-046-092-260-Com6 11-05-08 10-28-59CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-B-046-092-260-Com6 11-05-08 10-28-59InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   

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