June 29, 2012 on 11:34 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The forecast for today is 104 degrees.  And the Sun knows it, because it is showing a beautiful prominence on the SE limb.  The prom that was there yesterday has developped (?) in a massive structure.  Despite the heat, I made a 45 minute animation of it and am processing the images.  In addition, AR1512 and 15 released several C class flares, while 1513 showed a M 2.2 flare this morning.  The sun shows activity again :-)

   Sun-Ha-A-046-455-260-Com1 12-06-29 09-45-53Inv.jpg    Sun-Ha-A-046-455-260-Com1 12-06-29 09-45-53.jpg 

   Sun-Ha-B-046-313-348-Com1 12-06-29 09-54-15Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-B-046-313-348-Com1 12-06-29 09-54-15.jpg  

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