July 4, 2012 on 3:35 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

July 4th!!  Independance Day!  today the sun continued to produce some nice flares and particularily 1515 has been producung them at a rapid rate.  Including some M class flares.  three very nice filaments in the SE quadrant and the areas in the northern hemisphere also have not done bad.  A number of prominences today all around the solar disk.

   Sun-Ha-E-046-455-260-Com1 12-07-04 09-57-57InvCrp.jpg   Sun-Ha-E-046-455-260-Com1 12-07-04 09-57-57Crp.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-F-046-222-285-Com2 12-07-04 10-04-07Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-F-046-222-285-Com2 12-07-04 10-04-07.jpg  

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