April 21, 2013 on 11:37 pm | In Moon, Satellites-ISS-Shuttle | Comments Off

It has been a while that we had a close by ISS-Moon Crossing and clear skies.  Last sunday was such a day.  The centerline was 500 mtr north of the International Horse Park Parkway in Conyers, so we setup around 23:00 in the parking lot.  The ISS was relative large at 56.4″ and was only at a distance of 490 km and the transit took only 0.55 sec.  I almost  missed the image, but was able to finish changing the disk designation for the video file one second before the transit took place.

   Lun-Wh-A-130-909-360-0001 13-04-21 23-29-28StCr.jpg  

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