August 12, 2013 on 11:57 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Activity on the increase today.  AR1818 increased 3 fold in size and produced some C Class flares while AR1817 really grew a lot and ejected an M1.5 class flare and 7 C-class flares, while the number of spots in 1817 increased from 3 to 12.  The seeing was not too good but sporadic quiet moments in the atmosphere allowed a few good frames for the large close ups of AR1817 and 1818. 

   Sun-RL-Y-046-313-260-Com1 13-08-12 09-36-16Inv.jpg   Sun-RL-Y-046-313-260-Com1 13-08-12 09-36-16.jpg 

    Sun-Ha-Z-030-092-474-Com1 13-08-12 09-43-26-72Inv.jpg   Sun-LR-A-030-769-474-Com9 13-08-12 10-11-21-20.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-Z-030-109-474-Com3 13-08-12 09-45-01.jpg   Sun-LR-A-030-769-474-Co11 13-08-12 10-15-24.jpg  

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