September 30, 2013 on 8:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Yesterday I was able to capture a few images. Am still working on a few of them.  Today we had an outreach event an no time for an image.  However as we finished setting up we saw this huge prom and I had to capture a few images with the PC on my chair and no good blockage of the sunlight to see if I was focused.  By the time the students came the prom was gone……

   Sun-Ha-J-046-313-260-Com1 13-09-29 09-47-23Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-J-046-313-260-Com1 13-09-29 09-47-23.jpg  

   2013-09-29-1451_7-TR-Ha-R6-Com.jpg   2013-09-29-1356-TR-Ha-Com.jpg  

   2013-09-30-1757_2-TR-Ha-Com.jpg   2013-09-30-1758_8-TR-Ha-Com.jpg  

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