October 6, 2013 on 2:56 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The clouds and rain did not come until later in the day, so continued some experimenting with separation rings and my barlows.  Too many images to publish, but here the full disk image and a close up of 1857 and 1856.

   Sun-Ha-C-046-370-260-Com1 13-10-06 10-41-31_g3_b3_ap214Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-C-046-370-260-Com1 13-10-06 10-41-31_g3_b3_ap214.jpg  

   2013-10-06-1517_7-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap189Com.jpg   2013-10-06-1407_3-TR-R_g3_b3_ap100Com.jpg  

October 6, 2013 on 10:31 am | In Jupiter, Planets | Comments Off

It was supposed to rain and storm, but when I woke up at 5:00 the sky was clear.  So another opportunity to gain some experience with the ASI120MM imaging Jupiter.  Stability was not great but I am posting anyway what I got. I got reacquainted with Emiel Kraaikamp’s stacking software.  Wow, how that has come since the early beginnings.  Congratulations Emiel!!   Two days in a row the GRS!!


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