October 25, 2013 on 6:44 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

I started this morning different than normally and made some white light close up images first.  When I went back to my SolarMax40 for the full disk images I saw a big flare in action and was able to capture it.  This was an X2.1 flare which I caught at maximum in the full disk image.  I followed up with changing the camera and making an animation of the rest of the flare as it subsided.  The animation spans a time frame of 18 minutes starting 10 minutes after maximum.

   Sun-K-046-455-260-Com1 13-10-25 11-02-11_g3_b3_ap392-Inv.jpg   Sun-K-046-455-260-Com1 13-10-25 11-02-11_g3_b3_ap392.jpg  


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