July 7, 2015 on 6:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Its been 5 days since the last session.  AR2381 is the dominant active region today and pretty active. Today the sun shows medium flare activity with 15- C-class flares and two M-class flares and yes, all coming from AR2381.  The six regions contain 38 spots with a total of 630 millionths.  AR2381  itself is responsible for 350 of them, and has increased by 250 during the last day, adding to the chance for some more flares.  Today a  full disk in H-a as well as WL/Continuum and close ups of AR2381 with the same filters.

2015-07-07-1310_9-TR-Ha-1_g3_b3_ap92Comp.jpg 2015-07-07-1345_0-TR-WLCont-4_g3_b3_ap199Comp.jpg

2015-07-07-1316_5-TR-Ha-4_g3_b3_ap132Comp.jpg 2015-07-07-1335_3-TR-WLCont-2_g3_b3_ap115Comp.jpg

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