January 29, 2018 on 9:40 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The Sun on 2018-01-29.  Another spotless day.  Was only able to capture Ha and CaK today.  A few prominences were visible at the SE and NW limbs.

2018-01-29-1714_5-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2018-01-29-1721_3-TR-Ha-SEProm.jpg 2018-01-29-1726_4-TR-CaK-1.jpg


January 24, 2018 on 2:10 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

The Sun is quiet again today and we reached another milestone on the way to Solar minimum.  We reached spotless day 150. Click the thumbnail below to see the screenshot of the cutout from my data, recorded since January 4th 2014.

January 21, 2018 on 9:39 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flare in the last two days.  In Ha and CaK we still can see the decayed area of AR2696 and a small filament.  In addition we can see a small/faint prom at the SW limb. This is spotless day 147.

2018-01-21-1552_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-01-21-1603_3-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-01-21-1614_1-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-01-21-1606_0-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg 2018-01-21-1605_6-TR-Ha-WLimb.jpg 2018-01-21-1614_1-TR-CaK-Crp.jpg

January 19, 2018 on 3:22 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies, but the seeing was poor.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2696 is decaying fast and today the Active Region Area is 10 millionths while we still had 2 spots.  However at the time of observing I only did record 1.  We still have some filaments and a prominence  at the western limb.

2018-01-19-1604_8-TR-540nm-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-19-1618_7-TR-Ha-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-19-1631_1-TR-CaK-AR2696.jpg

2018-01-19-1611_0-TR-540nm-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-19-1620_6-TR-Ha-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-19-1631_1-TR-CaK-AR2696Crp.jpg

2018-01-19-1621_4-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2018-01-19-1620_9-TR-Ha-SWFilam.jpg 2018-01-19-1623_6-TR-Ha-WFilProm.jpg

January 18, 2018 on 5:01 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Had to clear some snow before I could start my imaging session today.  Seeing was average.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the previous two days.  The pores from my last session evolved into AR2696, which today measures 20 millionths and contains two spots.  A few small filaments are seen today with small prominence on the SW limb.  Images today in all three wavelengths.

2018-01-18-1638_1-TR-540nmAR2696.jpg 2018-01-18-1645_7-TR-Ha-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-18-1655_1-TR-CaK-AR2696.jpg

2018-01-18-1640_6-TR-540nm-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-18-1648_7-TR-Ha-AR2696.jpg 2018-01-18-1655_1-TR-CaK-AR2696Crp.jpg

2018-01-18-1650_0-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2018-01-18-1649_4-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg

January 15, 2018 on 11:52 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning but cold.  Solar Activity continues to be Very Low with no flares in the next two days. Spotless days continue today with spotless day 146.  More activity seems to be developing including a few small pores to the east of the two filaments near the center of the hemisphere.  In addition there is a nice erupting prominence at the NW limb.

2018-01-15-1519_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-01-15-1524_1-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-01-15-1538_1-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-01-15-1527_1-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg 2018-01-15-1532_5-TR-Ha-Sfilam.jpg

2018-01-15-1533_3-TR-Ha-NWProm.jpg 2018-01-15-1538_1-TR-CaK-Crp.jpg

January 4, 2018 on 1:37 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies but seeing conditions were bad, 1 out of 5, while the temperature was still below freezing during the session. So the resulting images are low quality.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the previous 2 days.  We see a pore that developed in the NW quadrant and may become a new named Active Region. We also see a very nice tall prominence at the SE limb a bit fuzzy because of the seeing.  Images today are in all three wavelengths and include the regions mentioned.

2018-01-04-1509_1-TR-540nm-NN.jpg 2018-01-04-1514_7-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-01-04-1524_0-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-01-04-1511_3-TR-540nm-Pore.jpg 2018-01-04-1517_3-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-01-04-1524_0-TR-CaK-NN.jpg

2018-01-04-1518_2-TR-Ha-SEQuad.jpg 2018-01-04-1518_7-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2018-01-04-1517_5-TR-Ha-Ctr.jpg

2018-01-04-1519_9-TR-Ha-SEProm.jpg 2018-01-04-1520_7-TR-Ha-NWProm.jpg

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