January 7, 2020 on 12:54 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off
The skies were clearing up during my observing session. SWPC carried AR2755 over into today, however at the time of observing the spot was not visible. We have a new region coming around the Eastern limb, which might have a pore or small spot. According to my measurements in WinJupos, this area is in the Southern hemisphere and its magnetogram shows an old Cycle 24 polarization. However there is a very small reverse polarized area in the NE quadrant, which is visible also in the CaK image. A faculae is visible in the WL image, and a nice plage in Ha and CaK. The filaments South of the AR2755 plage show very nice and show some activity. Compare to yesterday’s images. Yesterday’s Prom in the SW is gone, but we have some small proms in the NE and SE.
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