July 4, 2021 on 4:34 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off
The problems with posting images on the 4th have gone away on the 6th. Probably heavy traffic on the web on the 4th. Clear skies with relative good seeing. We have reached a new milestone for the new Solar cycle. To the best of my recollection we now have had a first type R2 and type R3 flare. While turning to the backside of the Sun (it now is not visible anymore), AR2838 produced an X-1 flare, at 1429UT on the 3rd, as well as a pair of M-1 flares later on. While this happened, AR2836 has decayed to a plage, but a new region has been named. Region AR2839 popped up in the NW quadrant and has already produced a C1 flare. So, today images of the full disk as well as close ups of the mentioned regions, including the faculae that followed AR2838 at the NWLimb.
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