The Winter Hexagon

January 3rd, 2024

The shortened days of the winter months grant an extra chance to get out under the stars. Even with cold weather forcing star gazers to “rug up”, there are at least several objects that appear early enough in the evening such that you don’t have to brave the chill for too long into the night. A great circle of stars known as the Winter Hexagon appears overhead in the early evening forming a ring connecting a grand collection of constellations.

Starting with Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, we can work around counter clockwise to Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, and Procyon. These are all prominent stars whose brightness shines through even a light veil of clouds. The circuit takes in the major constellations of Canis Major, Orion, Taurus, Auriga, Gemini and Canis Minor.

These stars range in magnitude from -1.5 with Sirius down to Pollux at mag 1.1. So, they are peeping out early and high overhead this time of year. As the night deepens, one can easily make out the figure of Orion, easily spotted by it’s belt of three stars. The ring of Auriga is usually next to become clear, forming it’s own circle of stars. The triangle of the face of Taurus slowly takes shape as the great expanse of the Big Dog about Sirius moves up into the southern sky like a big meat cleaver.

All these objects shine through even moderate light pollution. So, whether you’re in the suburbs or the country, you can practice your geometry using these fine beacons of the winter night, as in six, half dozen or the other! Enjoy!

Full Moon - December

December 26th, 2023

For December, the full moon is referred to as the Cold Moon by many North American indigenous peoples. This year, the full moon will appear on the evening of December 26. It’s the first full moon after the winter solstice.

You can start exploring how various cultures have celebrated the full moon with this article at Wikipedia. The top section of that same page has more technical details of the Moon, its phases and the basics of eclipses.

The Old Farmers’ Almanac (first printed circa 1792) web site has a detailed list of alternate names of the December Full Moon with their Native American origins. On the other hand, there is also a site called merely Farmer’s Almanac (first printed circa 1818) and it also has lots of details about alternate names for the event as well as some historical connections to the traditions of Colonial Americans.

Enjoy the Moon glow!!

Jupiter returns for 2023!

December 13th, 2023

It’s just about the Winter Solstice and the really short days are here. Jupiter is back in view during early evening skies, coming up in the eastern sky right after sunset. Daylight savings time is gone for the year so the shift grants even more time for catching the king of planets.

So far, this apparition, the two equatorial bands are quite evenly colored and prominent.

Jupiter will be with us in the evening sky through the end of March. Plenty of time to explore the moons and features of our largest planet.

Saturn is back for 2023

August 27th, 2023

Saturn is back in the evening again for 2023 and easy to find in the southeastern sky, in the constellation Aquarius. The ringed world has been getting higher in the sky daily, making for better views each week.

Opposition is on August 27-28 for this apparition and the rings are around 8.1 degree tilt, a little less than last year but still looking very impressive. During this event, the rings will be their brightest due to the Seeliger Effect. Here’s a detailed account of this phenomenon as description by renowned observer Stephen James O’Meara. The Cassini division will still easy to make out with the rings face still exposed in the eastern and western edges.

Looking ahead to September, I hope to get get some good views of the ringed planet through Fernbank’s 36 inch Cassegrain. There will be plenty of opportunities to catch the Lord of the Rings through Christmas and from late October, it will share the night sky with Jupiter. In the telescope, the Saturn’s pail yellow color is a easy to detect and fun to compare to the brighter hues of Jupiter to the east.

EarthSky has some great resources for viewing the visible planets so you can keep up with all of these solar system objects in advance.

Wish you great views of Saturn this year! Clear skies!

Planning on Venus - pt2

June 18th, 2023

In part one of this post, I described the basic use of Sky View Cafe for planning your viewing of Venus. I hope you’ve already had a chance to see our sister planet off in the west after sunset. It’s been a lot fun showing people how Venus goes through phases, something that most folks don’t know!

In this post, I’ll describe the use of an ephemeris, which by definition, is a chart or table of times at a regular interval with the positions of objects in the sky.

Our fine friends at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have been generating these data sets for some time, as it turns out. This data has been published on the AstroPixels website in a multi-part table where you can get all the fine details for Venus for each day. You can use this table to plan your sighting of Venus in advance (AstroPixels has charts for the sun, moon and the other planets as well ).  The columns in the list give you the main numbers - date, RA/Dec, Visual Magnitude and phase Illumination.

Once you get the feel of the empheris data layout, the next step is to get the details for Venus’ position for the day you want. You can find the azimuth and altitude numbers for each hour & minute of the day using the SkyViewCafe Sky tab. You can work the time setting back and forth, then place the pointer over Venus to get the Azimuth and Altitude on the info band at the bottom. Then, you can determine where to look by the compass bearing, then the angle up from the horizon.

Finally, I suggest making yourself a planning sheet. You can print the web page(s) but that tends to produce a lot of paper. Better yet, you can copy and paste the text from the web page into a work document. If you use the mouse to select a portion of a table, then copy, this places the text into a clipboard space you can paste into a new document of the work sheet. You can clean up the page by reducing the font size and expanding the margins so it all fits. When you have a nice neat list of items in your table, print it out as a field reference.

Happy “plan it” hunting!!

Planning on Venus - pt1

May 31st, 2023

Our sister planet Venus has returned in the western sky for Spring 2023 into July 2023. She will be with us for a number of weeks. This post will be the first one to discuss observing Venus this summer but the topic has been a favorite of mine for a while now. I first discussed the phases of Venus earlier and you might want to revisit the links on that previous post. Today, we’ll start by just finding Venus using our naked eye vision.

When planning your viewing of Venus, it’s helpful to use some kind of tool ahead of time to give you an idea where to look. You can start with a graphic view using one of my favorite tools - Sky View Cafe. For the task of spotting Venus, I first open the Sky tab, then select “Horizon - 45 Span” from the options. This reduces the size of the view of the sky, magnifying your field of view. Move the view to the west by dragging it with a mouse or by selecting a specific direction. Venus will be in the northwest for the coming weeks and arcing back up and south as the summer progresses.

Give the graphic view of the sky a try online first. You can roll the date and time back and forth and thereby determine when you will get the best line of sight from your vantage point. Also study how the twilight darkens the sky day by day. Once you get an idea where Venus will be in your field of view, then you can adjust the time and direction of this graphic view.

Good luck in your search. I’ll be back for a second post with some more suggestions. We’ll find an ephemeris so you can see the progression of Venus day by day. I’ll be working through that set of steps in part two. Using that data, we can begin to further explore the phases of Venus through a small telescope, just like Galileo did!

Updated May, 2023

Astronomy Links

March 1st, 2023

Update - The astronomy links page is now behaving. I had my highly skilled “technical staff” get on the case and they correct(ed) that little annoyance. Enjoy!

Clear skies!

Back again. Star gazing again.

August 10th, 2022

Yea, yea, yea, I know. I’ve been slack but I had to take a hiatus from all of my astronomy stuff. Nevertheless, I’m back here on Steve’s Virtual Planet (SVP)!!

The really big news from here is that Fernbank Science Center and Observatory has reopened this summer and I am back on staff finally. So, I am really glad to be back on that scene and I’ll press on optimistically and start writing updates again.

Anyhow, another autumn and hopefully more stargazing (and moon gazing, too)! Certainly more blog entries with some new series planned. Also planned is an expansion of the section on archeo-astronomy and ethno-astronomy (I’ve been researching). And I hope for a revival of an older blog I had elsewhere on Space Weather and Solar Dynamics. That will be a future focus here at SVP.

Stay tuned and check back now and then!

Clear skies! (hopefully)


Solar Cycle 25

February 1st, 2021

If you appreciate some nice sunshine, you might also be interested in how our solar system’s central star behaves over the short term. We refer to these solar cycles to describe the periodic and repeating characteristics of our sun. The changes taking place in our sun repeat over time in a roughly 11 year cycle. Hence, the term.

These cycles have have been tracked for over 400 years, ever since the early Galilean days of the Scientific Revolution. We are now in Solar Cycle 25 and the current activity of our sun is under close and detailed scrutiny. Using a fleet of satellites and solar telescopes, we watch our closest star like a hawk, in every wavelength available.

Tune in to NASA’s Space Weather monitoring site and for day-to-day (literally!) updates on the fascinating life of basic, run-o’-the-mill star in our very neighborhood.

And keep on eye on Steve’s Virtual Planet for future articles on Solar Dynamics such as this trip down memory lane that links to details about the 1859 Carrington Event.

Keep shinin’!!

The Carrington Event

October 31st, 2020

Part of my upcoming new section on Solar Dynamics and Space Weather:

The Carrington event of September 1st, 1859 - from

“On Sept. 1st, 1859, the most ferocious solar storm in recorded history engulfed our planet. It was “the Carrington Event,” named after British scientist Richard Carrington, who witnessed the flare that started it. The storm rocked Earth’s magnetic field, sparked auroras over Cuba, the Bahamas and Hawaii, set fire to telegraph stations, and wrote itself into history books as the Biggest. Solar. Storm. Ever.”

More articles like this on spaceweather’s archive site