Dobsonian project alive again

February 23rd, 2011 | by sbieger |

Well, I have finally worked my way through other priorities and I now have some time for astro projects. I am reviving the 12.5 inch Dobsonian telescope build project for the AAC Charlie Elliot Chapter. Here’s the project link - Charlie Elliot Chapter 12.5″ Dobsonian Project

I have received the parts to make the alt az bearings and the pivot for the base. Next step will be to begin the fitting of the mirror box assembly. Most of the wood pieces had been cut some time ago but I needed time and some space to lay everything out again. The mirror box is sort of taped together so I can do some trimming and shimming to make the pieces fit together.

I am pleased to be moving forward again. Once the mirror box is setup. I’ll be adding the aluminum sections. All of this is geared toward having the OTA ready to perform the balancing. That then leads to the construction of the altitude bearing pieces and the sides for the base.

Anyhow, one step at a time. It’s best to enjoy the journey. There will be another update when I get far enough to take some pictures of finished assemblies. … some time this decade, I am sure!!!

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