March 19, 2011 on 7:34 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Most of the active sunspots have moved of the earth facing side of the sun, but there still was a lot of activity on the sun today.  Three nice prominances.  The one at the SW limb is whatever is left of the huge CME that many european imagers were able to catch. 

   SunHa046-455-260-Com5 11-03-19 10-10-20InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SunCa046-109-304-Co16 11-03-19 12-13-33CrpTxtA-ALPO.jpg 

   SunHa211-027-544-Co19 11-03-19 12-25-07InvTxt-ALPO.jpg   SunHa182-027-260-Com7 11-03-19 10-16-20InvTxt.jpg 

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