July 1, 2011 on 6:27 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The nice hedge row prominence from yesterday turned further onto the backside of the sun and the parallel row mentioned yesterday is now closer to the western limb.  Both AR1242 and 43 are still very nice.  Made also a closeup or AR1242 and the series of proms at the western limb.

   SUN-Ha-M-182-500-260-Co14 11-07-01 10-23-59CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-M-182-500-260-Co14 11-07-01 10-23-59InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

   SUN-Ha-N-207-092-260-Co17 11-07-01 10-30-01InvCrpTxt-ALPO.jpg   SUN-Ha-N-207-092-260-Co17 11-07-01 10-30-01CrpTxt-ALPO.jpg  

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