July 4, 2011 on 11:40 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The thin layer of clouds was a little thicker this morning but it allowed an image of the sun before it started clouding over completely and the storms started moving in.  Today is probably the last day before AR1242 moves to the back side of the sun.  The other regions keep growing.

   SUN-Ha-S-195-370-260-Com8 11-07-04 12-00-09CrpTxt.jpg   SUN-Ha-S-195-370-260-Com8 11-07-04 12-00-09InvCrpTxt.jpg  

Click thumb nail for original image

SUN-Ha-S-046-054-260-Com9 11-07-04 12-03-29CrpTxt.jpg

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