July 3, 2011 on 5:47 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Despite a thin layer of clouds before the thunder showers this afternoon, I made these images this morning. The prominences at the NW limb continue to be very nice, while the active regions keep growing.

   SUN-Ha-Q-046-455-260-Com1 11-07-03 10-23-36InvCrpTxt.jpg   SUN-Ha-Q-046-455-260-Com1 11-07-03 10-23-36CrpTxt.jpg  

   SUN-Ha-R-046-092-260-Com5 11-07-03 10-31-25CrpTxt.jpg   SUN-Ha-R-046-092-260-Com5 11-07-03 10-31-25InvCrpTxt.jpg  

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