August 1, 2012 on 4:03 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The morning started cloudy but around 10:30 the clouds burned off and the sun broke through.  AR1530 showed a number of small flares during the initial session, but they subsided as time went on.  Prominence activity is low but a few nice filaments show at the Eastern as well as Western side of the disk.  Today a full disk image, and closeups of 1529, 30 and 1538 as well as 1535 with 1537.

   Sun-Ha-L-046-370-260-Com1 12-08-01 11-09-14Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-L-046-370-260-Com1 12-08-01 11-09-14.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-M-046-185-260-Com1 12-08-01 11-15-22Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-M-046-185-260-Com1 12-08-01 11-15-22.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-N-187-185-260-Com2 12-08-01 11-16-31Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-O-046-154-260-Com4 12-08-01 11-18-07Inv.jpg  

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