August 8, 2012 on 11:47 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Variable clouds today and I had to wait an hour to catch a hole big enough to make these two images.  The huge filament of the 5th has decayed severely.  Compare the two images on my blog.  AR1542 is cracling with C-class flares and 1532 is about to rotate to the backside.

   Sun-Ha-T-046-455-260-Com1 12-08-08 10-19-40Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-T-046-455-260-Com1 12-08-08 10-19-40.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-T-046-222-260-Com2 12-08-08 10-26-16Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-T-046-222-260-Com2 12-08-08 10-26-16.jpg  

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