October 29, 2012 on 6:30 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Hurricane Sandy caused cloudy skies for a few days.  Today a clear sky, but very bad seeing in the morning.  In the afternoon went to GPC to  meet Joe Seymore, who is a professor at Perimeter College for Solar imaging.  The seeing was a lot better at that time.  I am showing both images.  The second one was captured using an SM60 and is North to the right and East to the bottom.

   Sun-Ha-B-046-455-260-Com1 12-10-29 10-13-45Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-B-046-455-260-Com1 12-10-29 10-13-45.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-C-046-1250-260-Com5 12-10-29 14-17-16Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-C-046-1250-260-Com5 12-10-29 14-17-16.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-C-046-1250-260-Com1 12-10-29 14-26-23aInv.jpg   Sun-Ha-C-046-1250-260-Com1 12-10-29 14-26-23a.jpg  

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