April 10, 2016 on 8:07 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy this morning, but some openings in the late afternoon, So I imaged at the same time as Monty Leventhal in Australia was observing. I had to break off the session as clouds obscured the Sun again.  Today, AR2529 has grown from 350  to a size of 820 millionths!  That makes you alert to flares and the Sun’s activity today is Medium with 11 C-class flares in the last 2 days.  AR2528 has been reduced to 10 millionths so the total Active Region area today is at 830 millionths, with two regions and 9 sunspots.  Today I also made the mistake by trying to short cut my capture process.  I focus at 2x magnification and than did not go back to the full view, resulting in the WL image being shifted.  Anyway I hope the four images show what’s happening.

2016-04-10-2156_4-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-04-10-2159_6-TR-540nm-3.jpg

2016-04-10-2204_7-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-04-10-2207_1-TR-Ha-2C-15.jpg

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