April 14, 2016 on 5:52 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

I setup twice today to image. The morning yielded no useable image, the afternoon gave me 2 out of 12 runs. Clouds all over the place.  The solar activity is dropping today. A Medium with 4 C-class flares in the last two days.  AR2529 has changed from an Eho yesterday to an Eko today.  Also, its size is dropping as it went from 820 to 780 millionths.  We have three Areas with a total of 810 millionths and 11 spots. I am glad to have at least two images today.

2016-04-14-1942_7-TR-540nm-5.jpg 2016-04-14-1939_1-TR-540nm-3.jpg

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