October 22, 2018 on 2:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Today lots of washed out con-trails all over the sky, resulting in bad seeing.  The pores at the Western limb from yesterday are gone, so the solar disk is clear in 540nm, although the plage is still visible in Ha and CaK.  Also a few small and faint proms at the SE, NW and SW limb.

2018-10-22-1405_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-10-22-1417_4-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-10-22-1411_5-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-10-22-1419_6-TR-Ha-WPlage.jpg 2018-10-22-1421_2-TR-Ha-SE-NW-SWProms.jpg

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