November 4, 2018 on 3:53 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing this morning.  The Sun is still spotless on spotless day 324.  We can make out a few small filaments in the South, and some faint proms in the NE, NW and SW.  In addition in Ha and CaK it looked like a small plage wanted to form, just to the East of the central meridian.

2018-11-04-1418_0-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-11-04-1425_2-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-11-04-1421_8-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-11-04-1432_8-TR-Ha-NEProms.jpg 2018-11-04-1428_1-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2018-11-04-1432_2-TR-Ha-NW-SWProms.jpg


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