November 17, 2018 on 11:18 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies and around freezing at the time of my observations.  But the seeing conditions are good.  AR2727 looks great and in the northern hemisphere another tiny area is visible in CaK as well as in Ha, and has reverse polarity in the magnetogram.  Looking closely in WL I believe to be able to make out a small pore.  Some faint filaments close to the S limb and small and faint proms at the SE, NW and Western limb. Activity remains Very Los with no flares in the last few days.

2018-11-17-1401_5-TR-540nm-AR2727.jpg 2018-11-17-1414_4-TR-Ha-AR2727.jpg 2018-11-17-1409_8-TR-CaK-AR2727.jpg

2018-11-17-1404_8-TR-540nm-AR2727.jpg 2018-11-17-1418_1-TR-Ha-Cycl25Area_001.jpg 2018-11-17-1418_8-TR-Ha-AR2727.jpg


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