November 17, 2020 on 12:12 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies again.  The plage which started to rotate into view yesterday at the Eastern limb seems to contain a new yet unnamed spot.  One can nicely make out the penumbra as well as a light bridge in the WL closeup.  We’ll see if it gets named today, so we can start tracking it again.

2020-11-17-1411_1-TR-540nm-NewSpot.jpg 2020-11-17-1421_9-TR-Ha-NewSpot.jpg 2020-11-17-1430_1-TR-CaK-NewSpot.jpg

2020-11-17-1416_1-TR-540nm-NewSpot.jpg 2020-11-17-1424_7-TR-Ha-NewSpot.jpg 2020-11-17-1432_2-TR-CaK-NewSpot.jpg

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