November 14, 2020 on 12:49 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear skies today but many wide con-trails made the session much more challenging.  AR2782 has decayed in WL and I could not see it.  However in Ha and CaK the plages both AR2781 and 82 were nicely visible.  I am still imaging on my old laptop.  The replacement battery for my main laptop is supposed to arrive next Tuesday.  So until them it will be a handicap.

2020-11-14-1454_0-TR-540nm-AR2782.jpg 2020-11-14-1503_4-TR-Ha-AR2781-82.jpg 2020-11-14-1515_0-TR-CaK-AR2782-81.jpg

2020-11-14-1457_6-TR-540nm-AR2781.jpg 2020-11-14-1507_7-TR-Ha-AR2781.jpg 2020-11-14-1517_3-TR-CaK-AR2781.jpg

2020-11-14-1508_4-TR-Ha-AR2782.jpg 2020-11-14-1517_9-TR-CaKAR2782.jpg

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