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Mars, Beehive, Phoenix, CHARM

23 May, 2008 (18:07) | Uncategorized | By: cjones

 Hello Larry Owens,

Hello current and new Saturn Observation Campaign members! Welcome all! This is a very exciting week at JPL, as we prepare for Phoenixs touchdown on Mars Sunday, May 25. For those of you who want to follow this mission, we have a Phoenix toolkit up on the JPL website. You will find links to NASA TV, which you can watch on the internet, the landing and press schedule and much more. Touchdown, 4:53:52 p.m. Sunday May 25, 2008 PDT, plus or minus about 46 seconds.

Phoenix on Facebook and Twitter too.

Watch Mars buzz past a swarm of stars. If you get a chance to look at Mars over the next few nights, you can watch it pass in front of M44, the Beehive Star cluster. Heres a short feature I wrote yesterday about this nice viewing opportunity, plus my latest May Whats Up podcast.

Now on to CHARM

The Cassini-Huygens Analysis and Results of the Mission (CHARM) telecon for May 27, 2008 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Pacific Time (888) 677-6566 and the passcode is 3832523 (a permanent number for US callers only)

Topic: History of Saturns Rings

The PDF version of the presentation should be on this public Cassini website page on Monday, May 26.

We will be joined by: Prof. Larry Esposito (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, U. Colorado)


CHARM telecons are the last Tuesday of the month at 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Pacific Time

The phone number is (888) 677-6566 and the passcode is 3832523

The CHARM pdfs are located at:

The CHARM ppts are located at:

This is a password protected site, here are the details (they are case sensitive): Username: cassini Password: Doc$85 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lets all wish Phoenix a safe landing on Sunday!

Jane – who will be here at JPL supporting the Phoenix landing activities this weekend.

Jane Houston Jones
Senior Outreach Specialist, Cassini Program
JPL – 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 230-205
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone – 818-393-6435
Fax – 818-393-4495