Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Chapter Projects

Currently the chapter is working on 4 projects. Chapter members have volunteerd and taken on a project to build/re-build/restore the various telescopes and mounts.  You can follow the progress of each project on its respective page. Some of the projects have dependancies on each other, so check the following pages for details.

If you have skills or would be interested in participating in one of these projects let us know.  Please send an email to

Chapter Telescopes and Equipment

The chapter has received a number of telescopes, telescope parts, and other equipment which were donated by members and friends of the chapter. Take a look at the generous gifts the chapter has received.  Some of these telescopes required some rework or restauration or became part of a project to build a complete new telescope.

See our Project pages for updates on the progress that is being made.

In addition we have a number of scopes which are in good working order and are being used by our chapter members at observing and special events.

Interested in using one of the chapter’s many telescopes? Would you like to take one home to use at your leasure? Check out the chapter’s “Baby Sitting” Program.