Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Quick access to the pages of our website

An overview with links to most pages on the Charlie Elliott Chapter’s Website

  • Alerts       – The Blog page for the chapter’s website, listing Alerts and other information
  • Home       – The Home page of the site with information about meetings, becoming a member and other chapter function info.
                      - Contact/Officers- Contact, and other information about this year’s officers
  • Directions- Would like to vist CEWC but don’t know how to get there?  Find out here
  • Weather – The astronomical weather forecast for the Charlie Elliott observing field
  • Past Events – List with additional information about most Chapter events
                    – Presentations – Download or view a Presentation given at one of our meetings
                    – Multi Media - A list of movie clips and images of the events
  • Observing – downloadable Resources for observing.  Star and Deepsky charts/lists etc.
  • Outreach – Information about the Outreach events of the Chapter.
  • Projects    - Information about Chapter projects
                    – Byers Mount
                    – 12.5″ Dobsonian
                    – Optical Craftsman
                       – May 2008 Update
                    – Truss Project
                       – May 2008, Update
  • Equipment – Link to the Chapter’s equipment, in use or being modified by the Chapter members
                     - Donations- Would like to donate? Find out what others have done.
                     - Babysit a Telescope – Information about out Telecope Babysit program.
  • Gallery     - Link to the Chapter member’s Galleries
  • Member Pages – Links to Webpages of our members
  • Links       -  Links to interesting Webpages
  • Site Index – Quick links to all our pages
  • Log-in – Log in to WordPress
  • Old Website  A link to the Chapter’s previous website