Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Information about past Events

The following pages list summaries of the information presented in the Events/Meetings.

Following is a chronological listing of all non-archived meeting descriptions with links to the presentations, meeting minutes, multimedia and other information about the event when available.

2017 Events

  • 2017-10-14 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-09-23 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-08-19 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-07-22 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-06-24 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-05-27 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-04-22 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-03-25 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Barry Fitzgerald gave a workshop on the setup and use of an Intel Compute Stick for astrophotography.  You can watch the video of the workshop here.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, called the meeting to order. There were 40 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, Dr. Merida Batiste, discussed her research on galactic superclusters.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the February Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from
  • 2017-01-28 CE Astronomy Meeting Before the meeting Valorie Whalen gave a class on the Constellation Hunter Astronomical League Program. Tim Geib, Chapter Director, called the meeting to order. There were 39 members and guests in attendance.  David Whalen, Observing Supervisor, presented “All of the Above.” Our guest speaker, PhD candidate Mitchell Revalski, discussed his research on supermassive black holes.  Available downloads are the detailed meeting minutes, David Whalen’s “All of the Above,” and the January Target List. The monthly Sky Map may be downloaded from

For older events, click the respective Archive link in the top section of this page.