Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Image Opportunity

9 June, 2008 (16:41) | Uncategorized | By: tramakers

Although the ISS and Spaceshuttle Discovery will be visible tonight and tomorrow night, the real opportunity comes up on Thursday. Wednesday it is planned is for Discovery to de-dock from the ISS, and the predicted flyby for us for Thursday should have both the ISS and Discovery at the same time visible in the sky!

Very low in the sky, (about one fist above the horizon) both should become visible 13 degrees above West and will disappear 10 degrees above South. First you should see the ISS appear at 9:26pm EST and the Space Shuttle should follow at 9:26pm. We should have both at the same time in the sky for approx. 1 minute!

Let’s hope that the clouds, if there, will move away for a few minutes! :-)
Clear Skies!