Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Outreach Alert

16 October, 2008 (14:35) | ALERTS, Events | By: tramakers

We have a request for next week Wednesday October 22nd for an outreach event at Charlie Elliott. The Children’s School of Atlanta has a group of 5th graders at Charlie Elliott and would like us to share some sights of the Universe after dinner.

Please let me know if you can attend this outreach session and bring your scope. They have not asked for a presentation inside, but maybe we keep this open in case the weather does not cooperate.

As Jon said Clevis, you are the best at showing them the sky with the naked eye, or binos……. Any chance you can attend for an introduction to the nightsky?

We will be setting up at the observing field and the kids will walk from the convention center to the field after their dinner. We expect to start a little after 7:00 when the sun has set.

Thanks for your consideration,