Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Stone Mountain Middle School

16 August, 2009 (21:56) | Events | By: tramakers

Yesterday’s event got “rained out”. However, some diehards still made it up to Charlie Elliott, and Ms M. Hill, another teacher, and two of their students had the opporunity to still see some of the nighttime goodies our telescopes can show them. Frank Garner, Jim Soboleski and Theo made it out to the field and showed the group some of the beauty of the nightsky. Some open and globular clusters, Jupiter and despite the bad transparency some nebulas. Thanks guys for being there and allowing these people to see some of the beauty of the night sky. We hope that they will be back for more… with more kids and parents!
Thanks guys for being there and Debbie and Clevis for being available if we would have needed you.
Clear skies