Join us in the Campbell Aquatics Building at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center for our next meeting on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Last Saturday’s Meeting

24 August, 2009 (13:25) | Meeting Minutes | By: tramakers

Wow!…. What a meeting and observing session last Saturday! 33 Members and guests for the meeting and 35 individuals at the observing field after the meeting, with a total of 14 telescopes!!
Even a group of childeren was bussed in from Madison by the Methodist Church. We heard a lot of Ohhs and WoWs that night. I’d like to thank Fred for his great presentation and everyone else for attending the meeting and/or the observing session. In addition it was great so see Latonia back, now with her daughter, Dan who brought his scope, and also a good number of new people, even some with their telescopes. It sure puts the pressior on to make sure we keep up the presentations and friendly explanations when we observe!